This account of the two men are true, this story is not fiction. It is foolish not to face the fact of death. Bear this in mind dear reader hell is real. There is life beyond death. In hell people are concerned about winning souls for God.
"As a tree when cut falls into the direction it leans, so men in hell are still the same kind of men when they lived" John Rice. The rich man lived his life in luxury, his main concern in this world was money and how to make a quick buck. He was concerned for his outer appearance, that people will notice him. All these things are not bad except he forgot about God. He did not expect to go to hell. He was known to be rich, and had want for nothing. You cannot buy your way into heaven. On the outside it appeared to everyone that He had it all.
Death dear friends calls our bluff and strips us of the mask we wear daily in our lives. On an appointed day which God had ordained the Rich man and Lazarus died. Lazarus is carried away by angels, whilst the other man finds himself in hell and tormented. What an awful realisation that you find that you lived your life a lie. The rich man does not question as Why he is in hell, his knows fully well that He rejected God. "It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgement of God." (Heb 9:27). The judgement for unrepentant is separation from God and His people. Destined to a pit of fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. A fire that never dies, where the soul lives in agony. The rich man looks up and finds Abraham afar off and begs him to send Lazarus to him so to dip his finger in water and cool his tongue because of the agony of the fire. Lazarus during his life time on earth had laid at the rich man's gate longing to be seen by the rich man, longing to eat from what fell from the rich man's table. The rich man showed no sympathy even though Lazarus was covered in sores. Did Lazarus suffer the consequences of sin. Maybe, but Lazarus had something different now. There was a moment in time and place that Lazarus had stopped what he was doing and repented before God. He could have heard the message in the town square. The people were talking about the coming Messiah who would take away the sins of the world. When Lazarus understood and realised his sinful state before God, he repented. His future hope for eternal life was in God, he had nothing more. Lazarus received only bad things in his life. The Word does not elaborate what these bad things were, but one can assume that the devil came to rob and steal what did not belong to him. The scripture only tells us that Lazarus now had faith in God and for His reward he was comforted in the afterlife. Abraham shared with the rich man that a great chasm ( a deep crack or space) had been fixed between those who were tormented because of their sin and those who were now in peace with God. It is too late once you and I are dead to try and crossover to the other side. The realization of an eternity in hell and now the rich man wanted to evangelise. How many of us walk past people we know daily and not warn them of the coming torment should they not repent. God sent Moses to bring the law to man, so that each of us can see where we have fallen short of the glory of God. (Read the ten commandments) Ex 20:1-21 Still men did not repent. He sent prophets to warn the people of His coming judgment, still words fell and fall today on deaf ears. Then He sent Christ Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice to die for our sins on the cross and to rise again. The rich man wanted someone to come back from the dead to tell his brothers to repent. How many people today wish to make contact with the dead to hear what they would say. Jesus came back from the dead, and still people do not want to repent. It's to late to Evangelise when you are dead. It is too late to repent when you are dead. Now is the time that the grace of God has given you to respond. I urge you, do not leave it too late.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Come out from among them, and be ye separate (2 Cor 6:17)
God's greatest desire is to live and walk amongst us. To be our God. To be a Father to us. His desire is that we get to know Him as we are already known by Him. Since we know these things we have been commanded to purify ourselves from anything which contaminates body and spirit. Walking in holiness out of reverence for our God. We live and work amongst unbelivers. It is not long before we are influenced into doing the very same things they do. The word of God no longer is our guide to making decisions rather we copy and excuse the very things that God hates. I had the task to visit a family who assured me that they were "Born Again" and great believers that Jesus was coming again they were fervant church members and do gooders. In the conversation they mentioned that their daughter had arrived back from Australia and had asked them to take her to a psalm reader, to tell her future. The whole family sat in as this women first consulted the "spirits" as to show her the young women's future. It seemed so interesting that before long the "Born Again" family all held out their hands to have their future read. The reason of my visit to this family was to warn them of God's coming judgement. I shared scripture showing them how much God hates the sin they have committed and that the word says; "The wages of sin is death". They all laughed it off. They again returned on several occassions to all have their psalms read, it seemed such fun, and oh so true. What the women failed to tell them was of God's coming punishment upon them. God dear friends, is not to be played with. It was not long when the mother who assured me of her status with God phoned to say that she had developed cancer and would I please come and pray for her healing. I waited on God in prayer and what came to me was "Touch no unclean thing and I will receive you". During my visit I had the difficult task of telling her that I could not pray for her. When asked why? I reminded her of the several times that I had warned her to stop the sin she was committing. I once again asked her if she understood that what she had done was sinful. She stopped for a moment looked at me and said, " I do not see anything wrong with what I have done'. What the psalm reader forgot to mention is that God was going to take her life. I left that home saddened that even though a person can profess to know God, God did not know them. She died shortly after that. Whilst her family were going through her belongings they found literature which I had given them against their sin. Some of the family members repented but others hardened their hearts. Please tell me what is wrong with this picture. What is wrong in the "Church". God's word is no longer a light unto their feet. Do not dear friend be yoked together with an unbeliever. What does righteousness and wickedness have in common. There is no such thing as a man made revival. When we as a people turn to God and lay off our sin and humbly begin to seek God, He will hear from heaven and send a God given revival to man. It is not too late to repent.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Lord I heard your speech and was afraid: O Lord, revive thy work ..... Habakkuk 3:2
Falling into the hands of an angry God, dear friend I do not want to experience this. Habakkuk is burdened before God as he witnesses the sin of his time. The previous chapter the Lord reveals an appointed time which is to come over the earth. He, Habakkuk had to write it down so that a herald may run with in. In it, it speaks of the end. There is coming a time upon us and the whole world when the judgement of God is at hand. God's warning to man have gone on deaf ears. Man is puffed up in the knowledge that he thinks he has, he is arrogant before God and does just what He pleases. He plunders many nations, sheds blood through murder, destroys the land around him so that men and women and children are starving to death. Man's laws are unjust and used for personal gain. The ruin of many are plotted. "Woe unto him who gives drink to his neighbours" .... so that he can gaze on his friends naked bodies. Does all this not sound too familiar of the time that we are living in. This bad and terrible thing that is to happen "The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea" Man will know God has had enough. God will turn the glory of man into shame. He will expose every deed committed. The cup of God's wrath is in His right hand. Habakkuk is afraid for the people of his time. He pleads with God to revive His work in the hearts of men.
A heavenly God sent miracle is needed in our time. We are facing the end of time and we continue in our lives to live as if nothing is about to happen. If you don't have a burden for the lost,and don't have a burden for the sins that are being committed in our time then we as the church are in very big trouble. Is sin preached, is holiness being preached, are men/women and children setting themselves apart for a holy God to be used by Him.
Is there a fire burning within your bones as it did Isiah, Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Paul and the rest of the disciples. Who felt in their hearts "Woe unto me if I do not preach the gospel". Where are the men and women who are thirsting and praying for a revival amongst God's people, are they already dead and gone to heaven. Where are the men and women pulling souls from the fire of Hell. Listen dear friend to what the Spirit of God is saying in Mathew 3: 10-12, "The axe of God is laid at the root of the trees that do not bring forth fruit every tree that does not bring forth good fruit will be cast into the fire".
May God have mercy upon me and you as we seek Him to revive men and women's hearts.
A heavenly God sent miracle is needed in our time. We are facing the end of time and we continue in our lives to live as if nothing is about to happen. If you don't have a burden for the lost,and don't have a burden for the sins that are being committed in our time then we as the church are in very big trouble. Is sin preached, is holiness being preached, are men/women and children setting themselves apart for a holy God to be used by Him.
Is there a fire burning within your bones as it did Isiah, Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Paul and the rest of the disciples. Who felt in their hearts "Woe unto me if I do not preach the gospel". Where are the men and women who are thirsting and praying for a revival amongst God's people, are they already dead and gone to heaven. Where are the men and women pulling souls from the fire of Hell. Listen dear friend to what the Spirit of God is saying in Mathew 3: 10-12, "The axe of God is laid at the root of the trees that do not bring forth fruit every tree that does not bring forth good fruit will be cast into the fire".
May God have mercy upon me and you as we seek Him to revive men and women's hearts.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Do not say I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak Jeremiah 1:4-9
You have to read the whole passage I have given above to fully understand the expository of the whole verse. I have just taken a piece to grab your attention. Jeremiah was called and ordained by God (Psalm 139) way before he was born. The hand of God was laid upon his life. He was called to become the mouth piece of The Most High God. Jeremiah would be sent where to go and told exactly what to say. There are those amongst you who have been called by God to the ministry. It was ordained by our Father way before you even thought of Him. Then came that great and wonderful day when you found your self on Holy ground, under the conviction of sin, being cleansed by God. God's plan was in action. Like Moses, Isaiah, Elisha and Paul of Tarsus. You were called for a time like this. He lifted you out of the miry clay, Like Isiah 6:6-7 Then one of the seraph flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it He touched my mouth and said "See this has touched your lips, your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for". Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? and who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" verse 9 says that God told him, "Go and tell this people...." You were ready and willing but you allowed Satan to steal from you the very purpose you were born. Dear friend there are all sorts of excuses even Jeremiah had one, "Behold I cannot speak I am a child" Lord I cannot do as you want me to, the path is too difficult to follow. You say now I am not worthy, everyone knows about the sins I have committed. Dear friends when the cleansing fire of God takes hold of you and God's anointing and the fulfillment of His plans come into being, no excuse will stand. Not because you are too young or too old and past your sell by date not even if someone tells you women may not preach, no dear friend absolutely nothing. You have been saved for a time like this. Stop making excuses and get on with the Father's business. Lay off the sin which binds you and causes you not to minister for God. Bring every thought into submission of Christ and His Word and overcome. Allowing God to bring you to the place on Holy Ground. The presence of God. When last did you experience His presence. I know that I know that I know that I have been called by God to fulfill a place in HIS story. I know that I know God has anointed me to preach. If I could not I would burst within me. You had the fire, God's people disappointed you and you blamed God. I plead with you, return to your first LOVE. Even if no one reads this and no one responds, I have being obedient to my Father. What about you?
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Today could have been your last (Heb 9:27) Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement.
I'm not sure if anyone reads my blogs but just maybe someone tonite takes time out to read this. Tonite I dedicate this one to my Son, Basson, who could have lost his life today and that over a cellphone. Today I rode past a church and outside on the wall it had posted these words. "Life has many choices but Eternity has only two" Heaven or Hell. Surely this should be general knowledge. We are not going to live forever. There's a moment and time destined by God when this body of ours fails. Some die of old age and this dear friend is the grace of our God upon you. As a young person we would say to you, "Wow you have been given a life time to make the eternal choice, Heaven or Hell, and tell me dear friend what have you chosen"? There are those who are taken away in the prime of their youth. Car accidents, murder, heart attack, cancer. Most of these people ask WHY ME? They blame God. God is not to blame it is because of sin. Murder takes place because someone made the wrong Eternal Choice. Paul spoke about many dying before their time due to sin, God said "My people perish because a lack of knowledge". 1 Peter 5:8 Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
The choice lies with us. Reject or receive Him.
I invited a lady judge to my house for dinner. I was sharing the opposition women go through in the spreading of the gospel and her words were to me "If you have the truth it is your responsibility to share it" I'm sure she must be good in what she does through our courts, and wise at it too. These words have haunted me.
Today, might be your last or the next door neighbours or the collegue at work. You say, "I'm born-again", good for you then I say to you RESCUE THE PERISHING it's your responsibility to let the truth be known. Someone you know may die tonite without Christ. If only you have told them what you already know . God be with you as you remain obedient to the voice of God.
The choice lies with us. Reject or receive Him.
I invited a lady judge to my house for dinner. I was sharing the opposition women go through in the spreading of the gospel and her words were to me "If you have the truth it is your responsibility to share it" I'm sure she must be good in what she does through our courts, and wise at it too. These words have haunted me.
Today, might be your last or the next door neighbours or the collegue at work. You say, "I'm born-again", good for you then I say to you RESCUE THE PERISHING it's your responsibility to let the truth be known. Someone you know may die tonite without Christ. If only you have told them what you already know . God be with you as you remain obedient to the voice of God.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Isaiah heard the call of God, and said, Here am I; send me. Isaiah 6:8
Reading the verses that preceed this one finds Isaiah unprepared and unable to speak for and on behalf of God. He did not want to be God's mouth piece. He points out to the fact that he has unclean lips which do not glorify God in conversations and he dwells amongst subborn people who too have unclean lips.
I do not believe that there is a preacher who has been called by God, who at some stage of his life felt like giving up. Tired of always having opposition for bringing the truth. Tired of ministering to people who refuse to change or submit under the authority of God.
Something happend to Isaiah. A seraph took a coal of fire from off the altar of the temple (heavenly fire) and touched his lips.
A fire not man made. A holy fire. The fire of God. Oh how I desire this fire to once again move amongst us and in us and through us. A fire which brings about holiness in the people of God. A fire that burns within our souls that we cannot be quiet. We will want to shout and make known to men the wonders of our great God. He anoints His people for service. He appoints us to take our place in society to be a Burning Fire a light that shines out to the unsaved.
I too have continually had to face opposition. Continually told to compromise the truth to become popular. Like Isaiah and Jeremiah we will never become popular with the truth. In the past men of God suffered malice, reproach, redicule from wicked sinners and worldly churchmen. Nothing has changed but God once again call you to allow Him through His Holy Spirit to cleanse you from all unrighteousness and to once again fill you with His Holy Spirit that you too can be His mouth piece to a dying world. God's grace be with you.
I do not believe that there is a preacher who has been called by God, who at some stage of his life felt like giving up. Tired of always having opposition for bringing the truth. Tired of ministering to people who refuse to change or submit under the authority of God.
Something happend to Isaiah. A seraph took a coal of fire from off the altar of the temple (heavenly fire) and touched his lips.
A fire not man made. A holy fire. The fire of God. Oh how I desire this fire to once again move amongst us and in us and through us. A fire which brings about holiness in the people of God. A fire that burns within our souls that we cannot be quiet. We will want to shout and make known to men the wonders of our great God. He anoints His people for service. He appoints us to take our place in society to be a Burning Fire a light that shines out to the unsaved.
I too have continually had to face opposition. Continually told to compromise the truth to become popular. Like Isaiah and Jeremiah we will never become popular with the truth. In the past men of God suffered malice, reproach, redicule from wicked sinners and worldly churchmen. Nothing has changed but God once again call you to allow Him through His Holy Spirit to cleanse you from all unrighteousness and to once again fill you with His Holy Spirit that you too can be His mouth piece to a dying world. God's grace be with you.
Friday, January 15, 2010
They that sow in tears shall reap in joy Psm 126:5
A broken heart is a compassionate heart. It reminds me of many a mother who have sown their tears before the throne of the Father. Pleading with God to save her children. To protect them whilst they wander into the emenies terrority. It is a broken heart that drives one to prayer. It is the compassionate heart that sows the seed of truth. Mathew 20:14 "Jesus" He saw the people as sheep having no shepherd and "had compassion on them".
The consequences of sin is devastation. We just need to look around in society to see the vast amount of damage it is causing. Men and Women lost, without a shepherd to lead them. Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life. He wants man to have life and life abundently. The choice remains man's.
They crowned Him with thorns
He was beaten with stripes:
He was smitten and nailed to the tree
But the pain in His heart was the hardest to bear,
The heart that was broken for me
J W Van De Venter
Paul wept over sinners Acts 20:31 "Remeber, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears"
If you don't have the compassion of Christ then you need to see the lost sheep through the eyes of the cross. The Shepherd came to lost but they did not want Him. Let's weep before His throne for those who are suffering the devastation due to sin.
Please Father give us your heart for the loss. Make the loss see that they need YOU.
The consequences of sin is devastation. We just need to look around in society to see the vast amount of damage it is causing. Men and Women lost, without a shepherd to lead them. Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life. He wants man to have life and life abundently. The choice remains man's.
They crowned Him with thorns
He was beaten with stripes:
He was smitten and nailed to the tree
But the pain in His heart was the hardest to bear,
The heart that was broken for me
J W Van De Venter
Paul wept over sinners Acts 20:31 "Remeber, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears"
If you don't have the compassion of Christ then you need to see the lost sheep through the eyes of the cross. The Shepherd came to lost but they did not want Him. Let's weep before His throne for those who are suffering the devastation due to sin.
Please Father give us your heart for the loss. Make the loss see that they need YOU.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
He that winneth Soul's is wise Proverbs 11:30
Soul winning is what every child of God has been called to do. Mark 16:15 The great commission Jesus said "Go ye into all the world". It is a way of life. It is living outward what has happend inwardly. Man being brought from death unto life through what Christ has done on the cross. The bible tells us that even the angels in heaven rejoice over one sinner that repents. Christ Jesus came for this very purpose that man can be reconciled to God. He suffered death on the cross and arose that man can enter into eternal life. Salvation is God's work. He seeks the soul, He draws them to Himself and then He gives man the choice between life and death.
So where do we fit in. Prayer, compassion and the willingness to say, "Lord here I am send me". I cannot be a bornagain Christian and live without sharing my faith. God gives us opportunities in our daily life to share our relationship with Christ and God the Father with others. I never forget how difficult it was to begin. At first you feel that you do not know what to say and then as you grow in your faith and you study the word of God and come to the understanding of God's plan, the easier it becomes.
Just by learning John 3:16 and by saying a quick prayer to God asking Him what you should say, God's Holy spirit will lead you to share. All you need to do is to be willing.
Greetings in Christ
So where do we fit in. Prayer, compassion and the willingness to say, "Lord here I am send me". I cannot be a bornagain Christian and live without sharing my faith. God gives us opportunities in our daily life to share our relationship with Christ and God the Father with others. I never forget how difficult it was to begin. At first you feel that you do not know what to say and then as you grow in your faith and you study the word of God and come to the understanding of God's plan, the easier it becomes.
Just by learning John 3:16 and by saying a quick prayer to God asking Him what you should say, God's Holy spirit will lead you to share. All you need to do is to be willing.
Greetings in Christ
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