Monday, February 1, 2010

Victory obtainable for the child of God. Get ready for service

At the age of 18 years I was tired of life. I wanted to end it all. For the past nine years I had spent my life in children homes, Industrial schools, running away and sleeping on the beach to been in the homes of strangers. I felt rejected all of my life. My mother and Father and all 12 of my siblings had given up on me. No one wanted me. I was regarded a rubish. I killed the pain within me by taking drugs. Not even that could work anymore. The more I took the more sober I would become. Even alcohol could not numb the pain within me. I made a decision to take my life that day. I lifted myself on the balcony to jump over when a noise at the door startled me and I stopped what I was doing and went to look. Someone at that moment had put a tract under my door. It read, "Be assured of salvation". 1 John1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness". That day I met with Jesus Christ. I remember the room being filled with the presence of God, having no other way than to kneel down before Him and confess to God that I had sinned against Him. It was on that glorous day that I knew that I knew that I knew that Jesus Christ witnessed with my spirit that I had become a child of God. Thank you Father. For the past 18 years of my life I had formed patterns in my life. I found being a christian difficult. If things went wrong I would find myself in front of a house which could supply me with drugs to get high. Was victory possible?. I constantly fell into old sins and began to seek the scriptures for the secret to a victorious life. I want to share with you what I found and how it has worked.

I had to understand the process of sin. Friends the bible says that God's people perish because of a lack of knowledge. To understand the process you will understand how victory is obtained.

James 1:13-15
v13 Let no one say "I am tempted by God" We tend to blame God for the circumstances we are in. We blame Him for our hardships and our pain and our sin. When the actual destroyer has been satan, from the book of Genesis, satan tempted Eve in the garden, Adam partaking, both fell into sin (Rom 5:12) Therefore just as through one man sin entered the world and death through sin and thus death spread to all men, because all have sinned and falled short of the glory of God. Rom 3:23.
James 1 v 14 "Each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed" Jeremiah 17 9-10 says, "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure who can understand it. I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind to reward each man according to what his deeds deserve. Man's natural desire is not to please God. Because of the fall we are born with our backs naturally against God. Our desires are not to naturally serve Him. We try in our own strength and each time we fail. We will fall.
v 15 "Then when desire has conceived , it gives birth to sin and sin when it is fully-grown brings forth death.

Who is in control of your heart desires? The flesh or the Spirit of God. It is as if two dogs are within you a black and a white one. Continuously pulling towards the flesh. When the enemy (Flesh) is control you want to commit sin, it is a desire that burns within you. - You cannot control it >> You think about it and even begin to apply schemes and plans as how to sin without anyone knowing or seeing you do it. Forgetting that God sees everthing. Once the thought has taken hold of the sin it bears fruit and sin is committed. Sin when having grown fully brings forth death. Spiritually and even at times physical death.
Enemy in control>desire burns within you> you have no control to stop>Thoughts and plans to commit the sin come into action > the deed is done>brings forth death.

Victory is understanding the pattern sin has. You need to understand as I did that, there is someone who wants you destroyed. (John 8:42-47)
2 Cor 10:3-5,7 "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of this world. On the contrary, they have DEVINE POWER to demolish strongholds. We demonish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and WE TAKE CAPTIVE EVERY THOUGHT TO MAKE IT OBEDIENT TO CHRIST.

The secret to victory is to take every thought which comes to mind to bring it into the obedience of Christ. It is like a bird flying over wanting to make a nest. If you allow it, it will make a nest. If you want to sin, the sin will be conceived and grow into the sinful deed , however. If you want victory over the sin you must TAKE THE THOUGHT CAPTIVE.
The thought comes into our mind to sin. It reaches the heart and the will, and once it is passes the will there is no stopping. The stopping must happen by stopping the thoughts as they come in. Dear friends this is hard. Especially when for the last 10-20 years you have learned to give in to your desires and to will sin.

Here is the answer:
Phil 4:8,9
Finally brothers whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - THINK ABOUT SUCH THINGS. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

The thought enters the mind - (eg beautiful girl walks past mind says "What would it be like to..." The thought developes into a desire and sin is committed) But now there is a new way, we do a 360 turn around from the way we lived before and form new patterns. The thought still enters our minds but immediately we reject the thought and bring it unto the submission of Christ Jesus. Dear friends it takes the will of a man to have victory. If you want to be victorious it is possible. The story of the two dogs. The white dog representing the Spirit and the black dog the flesh and the desires of the heart. It is the one you feed that will win.

1. 2 Peter 3:1 The word stimulates us to wholesome thinking. Study the word, fill your mind with scripture which is the sword of God to cut off sinful thoughts. These scriptures will help you stand in the day of temptation.
2. James 4:7 Submit yourself to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Say NO TO SIN.
3. 1 Cor 6 :18 Flee from sexual immorality. >>>RUN think of Joseph fleeing from Potiphar's wife.
4. 1 Cor 15:33 Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character". You need to stop seeing the friends that are leading you astray. Stop going to places where you do not belong.
5. 1 Cor 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

IS VICTORY POSSIBLE? Most definitely, you must want it more than anything else on this earth. It takes, practise, practise and more practise. Stop the thoughts before it becomes sin and the God of peace will be with you. If this has helped please comment. Thank you for reading.