Thursday, July 28, 2011

What if?

A question that I need to pose to you all. What will happen if you are not raptured at the time that you thought He would come. The falling away will be huge - people will find out like with Harold Camping that they were lied to thinking that they would escape hardship. For years we have been taught the properity gospel that we sho...uld be wealthy and succesful because we prayed a prayer of repentance. Then the economy starts failing us and we realise maybe for the first time in our lives that was not the true message of the GOSPEL - What a huge awakening that will be for those who have believed it all their lives and now begin suffering and are unable to feed their families.. ITS HAPPENING NOW!!! Will you give up and go to the other side - What if? What if it is required of the whole world to take the mark of the beast - without it you would not be able to buy or sell (we were warned that it is going to happen) - WILL YOU TAKE IT because you need to feed your family. Or will you obey GOD's WORD. What if the rapture has not come as you presumed and NOW it is required of all the world to BOW DOWN to the ANTICHRIST or face death. Would you be desiring not to die for the name of CHRIST and rather bow to live to see another day. Will you be willing to give your life. Yes we would all loved to be raptured before this time - things are moving so fast - false teachers have been exposed - false doctrines exposed. What if everything you heard from a minister is found to be NOT WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE. What if?

WAKE UP!! Compare what you have heard from the pulpit to the word of GOD. If it does not match you GET OUT NOW so that you will not be decieved any further.

10Because you have guarded and kept My word of patient endurance [have held fast the [a]lesson of My patience with the [b]expectant endurance that I give you], I also will keep you [safe] from the hour of trial (testing) which is coming on the whole world to try those who dwell upon the earth. Revelation 3:10
Amplified Bible (AMP)

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