Monday, January 18, 2010

Isaiah heard the call of God, and said, Here am I; send me. Isaiah 6:8

Reading the verses that preceed this one finds Isaiah unprepared and unable to speak for and on behalf of God. He did not want to be God's mouth piece. He points out to the fact that he has unclean lips which do not glorify God in conversations and he dwells amongst subborn people who too have unclean lips.

I do not believe that there is a preacher who has been called by God, who at some stage of his life felt like giving up. Tired of always having opposition for bringing the truth. Tired of ministering to people who refuse to change or submit under the authority of God.

Something happend to Isaiah. A seraph took a coal of fire from off the altar of the temple (heavenly fire) and touched his lips.

A fire not man made. A holy fire. The fire of God. Oh how I desire this fire to once again move amongst us and in us and through us. A fire which brings about holiness in the people of God. A fire that burns within our souls that we cannot be quiet. We will want to shout and make known to men the wonders of our great God. He anoints His people for service. He appoints us to take our place in society to be a Burning Fire a light that shines out to the unsaved.

I too have continually had to face opposition. Continually told to compromise the truth to become popular. Like Isaiah and Jeremiah we will never become popular with the truth. In the past men of God suffered malice, reproach, redicule from wicked sinners and worldly churchmen. Nothing has changed but God once again call you to allow Him through His Holy Spirit to cleanse you from all unrighteousness and to once again fill you with His Holy Spirit that you too can be His mouth piece to a dying world. God's grace be with you.